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<< New Thought Authors >> Thomas Troward

The Law And The Word  (1917)

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"The subjective mind is entirely under the control of the objective mind. With the utmost fidelity it reproduces and works out to its final consequences whatever the objective mind impresses upon it.
-- Thomas Troward

In this book, Troward seeks to bring the reader into a deep understanding of the universal principle of Cause and Effect using a scientific approach. The Law and The Word explains how things originate and how they produce their effects. The book also touches upon God and creation; God spoke (his thoughts) and things emerged and took shape and form; Man is an expression of God, made in his image, who can use his own word (thoughts) in the same manner, and the law will translate them into reality. Troward says that it is always the law and the word, but the word comes first and the law brings it to pass.

Of all the New Thought writers of this age, Thomas Troward is perhaps the most scripually focused in all of his writings, often returning to a scriptual basis for most of his insights. The Law and The Word is insightful and scientific outline of using the power of our thgouhts and the spoken word and how the great Law works in our everyday lives.

Chapters: 1 Some Facts In Nature; 2. Some Psychic Experiences; 3. Man's Place in the Creative Order; 4. The Law of Wholeness; 5. The Soul of the Subject; 6. Identification; 7 The Promises; 8. Death and Immortality; 9. Transferring the Burden.

IF I were asked what, in my opinion, distinguishes the thought of the present day from that of a previous generation, I should feel inclined to say, it is the fact that people are beginning to realize that Thought is a power in itself, one of the great forces of the Universe, and ultimately the greatest of forces, directing all the others...

The first question then is, where to begin. Descartes commenced his book with the words "Cogito, ergo sum." "I think, therefore I am," and we cannot do better than follow his example. There are two things about which we cannot have any doubt--our own existence, and that of the world around us. But what is it in us that is aware of these two things, that hopes and fears and plans regarding them? Certainly not our flesh and bones...

They are Promises according to Law. They are based upon the widest generalization and hence lead to the highest specialization through the combined action of the Law and the Word--Jachin and Boaz, the Two Pillars of the Universe. These Promises comprise all sorts of desirable things: health of body, peace of mind, earthly prosperity, prolongation of life, and, finally, even the conquest of death itself; but always on one condition: perfect "Confidence in the power of the All-Originating Spirit in response to our reliance on the Word." This is what the Bible calls Faith; and it is perfectly logical when we understand the principle of it, for every Thought of doubt is, in effect, the utterance of a Word which produces negative results by the very same law by which the Word of Faith produces positive ones. This is the only condition which the Bible imposes for the fulfilment of its Promises, and this is because it is inherent in the nature of the Law by which their fulfilment is to be brought about...

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